Podcast proving any vice with enough geek can become a virtue.

In this episode Kip and Morph talk about their game nights.

Morph's game night

Kip's game night

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: youtube.com
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_243.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 6:58pm CDT

Rabblerabblerabblerabblerabblerabble Avengers: End Game  rabblerabble rabble rabblerabblerabblerabblerabblerabble

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: youtube.com
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_242.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:27pm CDT

Rabblerabblerabblerabblerabblerabble Captain Marvel rabblerabble rabble rabblerabblerabblerabblerabblerabble

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: youtube.com
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_241.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:42pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Kip's Vegas Trip
  • Daredevil season 3
  • Flushin Frenzy

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: youtube.com
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_240.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:01pm CDT

This week Kip is in Vegas doing what you do in Vegas, but Eddie, the amazing podfather of The Podcast Arcade and host of Daydream Instruction Manual, Falcon Punch Thunderdads, MEGA, and Paranormal Dads, is here.  

We are going to talk about the impact Stan Lee has had in our lives both in the entertainment that we enjoy, but also in our daily lives.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: youtube.com
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com

Direct download: Episode_239.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:11pm CDT

We had the pleasure of talking with Seppy of Fight In a Box. We talk about his new game on Kickstarter called Processing: A Game of Serving Humanity. Check it out and back it.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_238.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:37pm CDT

Kip tells his ghost story. It is based off true events (mostly). It has been greatly exaggerated for the basis of telling a story.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: GhostStory2018.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 9:11pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Halloweens Past!

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_237.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:19am CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Amazing Spider-Man 2 and how bad it is. Plus, a little card game called Chase Van Bolt Blast Off!

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_236.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:48pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss the connection between the books and The Legend of Drizzt Board Game.  And we talk about what the critics got wrong with the Venom movie.  We even dive into our thoughts about a couple of the trailers, Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse and Aquaman!

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com

Direct download: Episode_235.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:00pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss the board game Spirit Island and the second season of Iron Fist.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_234.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:18pm CDT

In this episode Kip is learning Japanese and Morph is learning how to bake.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_233.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:42pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime. What are your thoughts? Tune in to find out ours. 

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com

Direct download: Episode_232.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:07pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss legacy boardgames. What are your thoughts? Tune in to find out ours. 

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com

Direct download: Episode_231.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:12pm CDT

You've seen pro gamers and youtubers post their thoughts and strategies on your favorite video games. Now let's here thoughts on Bloodborne and Shadow Tactics from the everyday gamer. The average player. Geekvice level of gaming.


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_230.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:05pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph have the awesome guys from Omaha Underground Comics stop by. We talk their comics, other comics, and Omaha the Cat Dancer.

Find their work at https://www.ecwid.com/store/omugcomics/

Find them at https://www.facebook.com/OMUGComics/ and https://twitter.com/omugcomics


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_229.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:47pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Century Eastern Wonders.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_228.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:09pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Luke Cage season 2, and why Kip won't finish it.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_227.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 2:09pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss the game Letters From Whitechapel.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_226.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:55pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • O Comic Con
  • Cutting the Cable

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_225.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:55pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss the music they are currently listening.


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_224.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 6:54pm CDT

 In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Trollhunters
  • Video game streaming services
  • Other ramblings

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_223.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:59pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Morph computer building
  • I Kill Giants (Warning: Spoilers)
  • Bumble Bee Trailer
  • Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse Trailer


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_222.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:36pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Civilization 6 coop
  • Han Solo movie - go see it. It is worth it.
  • Playing Scythe's solo variant. So good.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_221.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 9:57pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Thundercats Roar and Deadpool 2. They speak in spoilers. You have been warned.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_220.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:28pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Infinity War. They speak in spoilers. You have been warned.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_219.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:04pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Lost In Space. Why should Morph finish the season? 

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_218.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 10:25pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss the games they played on Tabletop Gaming Day.


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_217.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:14pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • I Kill Giants
  • Locke and Key
  • Rampage/Terror in Meeple City

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_216.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:46pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss video games turned board games and vise versa. 

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_215.mp3
Category:Gaming -- posted at: 6:07pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss the board game Mysterium. Have you always wanted to solve a murder? Play as a ghost? Work with a team of psychics? Then Mysterium is for you.


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_214_-_Post.mp3
Category:Gaming -- posted at: 7:08pm CDT

 In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Ready Player One.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_213.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:52pm CDT

In this episode the fabulous Ishabelle Torry joins the show. Will she try to steal Kip's job, again? Tune in to find out.

Ishabelle's Links

Her Books

Her podcast


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_212.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:23pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss Jessica Jones season 2.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_211.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 6:58pm CDT

What happens when there is no Kip? Never fear. Billy is here. Billy and Morph talk about X-Men and MCU.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_210.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:39pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Mars Attacks the Dice Game
  • How much is too much for a board game


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_209.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 8:18pm CDT

In this episode Morph finally saw Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther. Let's see what he thought of both movies.

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_208.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 12:32pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Black Panther
  • Viticulture the board game
  •  Venom teaser trailer


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_207.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 6:58pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Altered Carbon
  • Deadpool 2 trailer
  • Solo Trailer
  • Broadchurch season 1


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com

Direct download: Episode_206.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Quantum the board game
  • Super Mario Smash Bros. card game


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_205.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • The Good Place
  • Jumanji
  • Logan Lucky
  • The Altered Carbon trailer


If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_204_-_Kind_of.mp3
Category:Geekery -- posted at: 7:47pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Our new logo
  • Shadows Over Camelot
  • Tricked Out Hero

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_203.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm CDT

In this episode Kip and Morph discuss...

  • Jean Claude Van Johnson
  • Troll Hunters
  • A few Netflix recommendations

If you can't get enough of Geekvice here are some other places you can find us.
Facebook: facebook.com/geekvice
Youtube: tiny.cc/geekvice
Twitter: @geekvice and @kipkillagin
Email: geekvice (at) gmail (dot) com


Direct download: Episode_202.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm CDT